Some couples handle a divorce on their own because this seems cheap and quite straightforward. However, you should not be fooled because self-representation in divorce can lead to serious and costly mistakes. If you want to avoid making mistakes, you should approach your divorce with a reliable Sandy divorce lawyer. Here’s why you should not represent yourself in a divorce:

You Do Not Understand Divorce Laws

When you try get divorced without an attorney on your side, you can end up feeling exhausted, frustrated, and confused. The divorce laws in Utah can be hard to understand. For instance, you probably have no idea how various kinds of custody situations may affect child support. A divorce attorney understands all applicable laws and ensures you adhere to them in the process.

You May Mess Up Legal Paperwork

If you want to get divorced, you should file the necessary paperwork correctly and promptly. If you are the divorce petitioner, you must be sure you file everything correctly and state what you want from the divorce. However, your spouse can exploit any unclear sentences as a loophole.

If you are the respondent, you should consider hiring an attorney as soon as possible. You should stick with the time limit set for responding to the Divorce Petition. If your spouse included terms in the divorce papers you do not agree with, you need to particularly respond on time. Otherwise, you lose the right to contest the divorce’s terms. 

Divorce Has Emotional Implications

Getting a divorce is an emotionally challenging decision. You need to take care of many things such as managing your finances, ensuring you get a fair share of your marital assets, and helping your kids cope with the divorce. If you represent yourself in your divorce, you may not have much time to process your emotions

Your attorney can get rid of the stress associated with divorcing by handling legal matters for you. With this, you can concentrate on yourself and your children. You can take care of other responsibilities during the divorce process. 

You May Not be Able to Make a Safety Plan

If you are a victim of domestic abuse or violence, handling the legal system may not make you feel right and safe. Thankfully, a divorce lawyer in Sandy is equipped to give you helpful resources and other safety planning strategies. They know exactly who you can turn to for your safety or your child’s safety.