Having moments of anxiety is not strange in life as humans get to interface with several stressors. Anxiety does not only make it difficult to go through your day, it also makes you feel scared, nervous and panicky. Although anxiety is not bad in itself as it helps you stay conscious, active and aware of danger, it also affects your physical and mental health.

As a result, it is important to find ways to relieve and manage anxiety each time it arises. We have provided you with nine (9) tips for anxiety relief and management.

1. Exercise

You are likely aware that exercise helps to keep your physical body fit. But do you also know that it helps to relieve anxiety? Exercise and other physical activities help you to maintain focus as well as decrease stress hormones level. Even more, it works as a medication for relieving anxiety not just for a short term, but it also serves as a long term solution for anxiety and depression.

2. Avoid Alcohol

Alcohols are natural sedatives and although they can calm your nerves after consuming them, it is only for a short time as you would fall back to your anxious state again. We recommend that you avoid alcohol as it tends to increase your anxious state immediately and its effect on you is over. More so, you will need to continuously take alcohol to decrease the effect of anxiety.

3. Try Meditation

Meditation helps relieve you of stress and anxiety by replacing feelings of fear and worry with a feeling of calmness and mindfulness. Experts say that meditation of about 30 minutes daily acts as an antidepressant and heals many signs and symptoms of anxiety.

4. Eat Healthy Diets

Foods that lower sugar levels, and processed foods containing artificial colorings, preservatives and artificial flavorings cause changes in the mood of individuals. It is important to check if your current diet causes a change in your mood after eating. If it does, check your diet and eating habits. We recommend that you stay hydrated, eat foods rich in vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and complex carbohydrates as it helps to relieve you of anxiety and keep you active.

5. Try Deep Breathing

Fast and shallow breathing are common signs associated with anxiety. Such breathings may lead to dizziness, panic attack, lightheadedness, and fast heart rate. The good part is that deep breathing helps to reduce anxiety and restore your normal breathing pattern.

6. Chew a Piece of Gum

Research has shown that chewing gum helps to not only assist you maintain concentration, it also helps to keep blood flow to your brain hence acting as a stress reliever. What’s more is that it also prevents you from opting for less healthy foods and snacks such as cocktails or ice cream when you are stressed.

7. Listen to Soothing Music

A study has shown that music is an effective tool for relaxation and stress management as it releases endorphins required to make you feel better. We recommend that you cue your favorite songs with inspirational and motivating tunes and lyrics. Afterward, close your eyes and focus on the wordings of the song or even sing along if you want. 

8. Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine often causes jitters and nervousness which is not good for chronic anxiety. Caffeine tends to cause panic attacks, as well as either cause or worsen depression and anxiety disorders. As a result, avoiding caffeine will help to eliminate several anxiety signs and symptoms hence improve your mood.

9. Counseling

The importance of counselling in anxiety relief and management can not be over emphasized. Counselling helps individuals to develop unique useful strategies for managing stress and anxiety disorders. You can request to speak with an anxiety therapist from In Focus to help you manage and overcome anxiety.