As summer approaches,most neighbourhood and public pools are opened. Also, in this period parents are looking for productive ways to keep their children engaged during the holidays. One of such activities is teaching your child how to swim. Swimming is not only a fun activity, it is also a sport and is a life skill that will help your child through life.

Just like learning every other activity or skill, each young swimmer learns at a different rate. While some comprehend quickly, others might require extra practice and time to fully grasp what they are being taught. Even more, some swimmers learn better through visual instruction while others learn better through verbal instructions.

Watching your child go through swimming lessons can be quite exciting if he/she is progressing well. But if your child is not progressing well, it can be discouraging. That said, we have provided you five (5) tips that will get your child swimming faster.

1. Practice

One of the most effective ways of learning how to swim faster for children is through constant practicing. Experts say it takes between 100 to 150 hours of practice for a child to learn swimming to the point he/she can swim in water of almost any depth. 

2. Regularly Attend Class

The importance of attending classes regularly can never be over emphasized as it forms the foundation of the learning process. Your child is provided the necessary instructions needed to learn swimming during classes  hence if your child misses class regularly, he/she won’t be able to catch up easily. Besides, advanced skills are built on what has been learned previously. Also, regular attendance will help both the instructor and learner to be in tune and produce faster results. Additionally, ensure you get place to learn swimming for children that are experienced and have a track record.

3. Set Goals

In the simplest terms, ask your child what he/she wants out of the swimming lessons. The little swimmer might want to learn swimming to be a professional swimmer or just for the fun of it. Even more, their goal might be to join a summer swimming team, to swim in large waters or to swim deep. This will guide you on the nature of lessons and practice to give your child. You can guide your child on how to set a swim goal since his or her progress depends on their goals.

4. Don’t be Discouraged

It is normal to feel discouraged when your child is not progressing at the pace he or she should. You must realize that children learn in their unique way hence, you should not be discouraged or forced to compare them with others. Sometimes, your child might experience slow learning or they might just get exhausted with the learning process. 

Ensure you remain positive and continue to encourage your child not to give up  as your consistent support for your child will help him or her not to get discouraged. You can also share your swimming stories and the importance of learning how to swim.

5. Swim All Year Round

If your child must achieve swimming consistency, you must place emphasis on all year swimming lessons and practice. What this means is that you shouldn’t wait for another summer holiday before enrolling your child in a swimming class or practice will help him or her build confidence and progress faster.


All in all, swimming is a life skill every child should learn. As a parent, you play a key role in determining your child’s swimming progress. Although learning to swim can be very challenging, with the required instruction, practice and encouragement, your child will learn swimming faster.