59 million people in America earn an income through freelance work. That’s a significant number of people who rely on clients paying their invoices on time.

And if they don’t pay on time — it’s not just frustrating, it can be downright scary. 

You might think that the client has forgotten about their obligation to pay you for your work. Or worse, they’re trying to avoid paying you altogether! But don’t worry – there are steps you can take to get paid.

Keep reading to learn how to get your overdue freelance invoice paid.

1. Keep Clean Records

Keep a record of all contact with the customer, including dates and times of phone calls, emails, and chat messages. This will help you if you need to take legal action down the road. You can use an invoice maker to do this, or simply download some templates for free invoice options.

Examples of records that would be useful in a claim would be timesheets, an invoice template, paid and unpaid invoices, correspondence, and photographs of the work performed.

2. Send Reminders

Send a polite but firm email reminding the customer that they have not paid their invoice yet. In the email, include a link to the invoice and request that they pay it as soon as possible. Here’s an example of a message you could send:


I hope you are doing well. I noticed that you have not yet paid your invoice for the work I did for you last month. I would appreciate it if you could pay it as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Your Name”

3. Pick Up The Phone

Follow up with a phone call if you don’t receive a response to your email. Sometimes a personal touch can help get the payment process moving. During the call, reiterate that you need the payment for the work you did and ask when they plan on paying.

You may not be comfortable with the idea of being pushy or confrontational, but it’s important to remember that you’re not asking for a favor – you’re asking for what is rightfully yours.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Call a Lawyer

If all else fails, you may need to take legal action to get the payment. In this case, you should speak to a lawyer who can advise you on the best course of action.

Some of the possible actions a lawyer could take on your behalf include sending a demand letter, filing a small claims lawsuit, or getting a judgment against the customer.

5. Stay Calm

Finally, remember to keep a cool head and stay professional throughout this entire process! It’s important to resolve any disputes quickly so that you can continue to work with this customer in the future (or at least receive the payment).

Losing your temper may only make the situation worse.

Ensure Your Freelance Invoice Get Paid

By taking the right steps, you should be able to get your freelance invoice payment promptly.

I hope these steps help you collect the money that’s owed to you. If all else fails, remember to keep a cool head and stay professional throughout this process!

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