Education is much like anything else in terms of the best is the most expensive and when we are talking about our children’s future, it is important to ensure they have the best education out there. International schools were originally set up to provide British education for the children of embassy employees, yet today, the ratio of foreign and local students is almost 50-50.

Here are a few of the reasons why parents invest in international school education.

  1. Globally recognised – The British curriculum is recognised as the best in the world and with top-rated Bangkok international schools, your child will be fluent in English in a very short period. The teachers are all qualified and experienced in delivering the curriculum, which is learner-centered and designed for the 21st century, integrating IT into the students’ lives. If you prefer the US curriculum, there are international schools that follow the American curriculum, with US teachers.
  2. Language acquisition – If you are a non-native English speaker, your children need to develop a level of English fluency and the best way to do that is to enroll your kids in an international school at an early age and by the time they reach the age of 10, they will be fluent English speakers. Whether we like it or not, the English language is essential for international business and without English skills, your child’s future is capped. All subjects are taught in English and it doesn’t take long for a youngster to pick up a new language. 
  3. Learner is the focus – Learning by doing is proven to be the most effective way to educate and child-centered learning demands special skills from the teachers. Rather than delivering content from the front of the class, the teacher becomes a facilitator, guiding the students as they work on their group projects. This kind of education promotes creativity, initiative and problem-solving skills. There are many ways to study, including comprehensive reading, which international schools use.
  4. University admission – When your son or daughter finishes Year 12 at a leading international school in Bangkok, they will be able to enter the university of their choosing. The reason universities prefer students from international schools is that they know the very high standard of academic education associated with international study programs and this will always be beneficial as the learner enters further education and ultimately, a career.
  5. Academic excellence – When it comes down to it, academic excellence is everything in education, as it is a measurement of academic performance and international schools typically enjoy very high average GPA marks for their students. If your son or daughter is always top of the class, this will open doors as they proceed through their formal education and onto further education.

If you are in Thailand and you wish to enroll your child in a nearby international school, there are quite a few with UK and US programs and you can book a tour of the school and take the first step to securing your child’s future.