1. Active Listening Skill Set for Jobs

Because hearing is not the same as listening. If while someone is talking to you, you spend more time thinking about your answer than what they are saying, then you are not doing it right with Skill Set for Jobs.

It is important that you listen carefully, that you pay attention to the body expression of your interlocutor, that you analyze the metalanguage as a whole while showing that you pay attention to what it says.

Does it seem difficult to learn Skill Set for Jobs? Well it is not too much. The human being is a social animal who practices this type of social skills throughout his life, so, in a certain way, it is something innate in almost everyone. What happens is that sometimes we focus more on ourselves and we let these skills get lost.

Try to focus on the meaning of what they are telling you rather than how they say it and how it makes you feel. In this way, you can give a much more elaborate and useful answer than if you are thinking of giving a quick witty answer.

A good strategy to show your interlocutor that you have listened carefully is to summarize what he has said before answering, for example:

–Juan, if I understand you correctly, you are telling me that the report must be redone again because it has errors (brief description of said errors). Rest assured, my team and I will correct them right away and this afternoon it will be at your table.

2. Empathy

Except for the poor psychopaths who live with the drama of never understanding what the people around them feel, the rest of us have a wonderful capacity called empathy.

This is one of the most important social skills to live in society, but also to interact in a work environment (which in itself is nothing more than a micro-society). Empathy helps us understand how others feel by recognizing those feelings in ourselves or by knowing how to put ourselves in the situation of others and understand what they are feeling in their own situation.

We must always ask ourselves what others will think and feel and what we can do so that our actions take those feelings into account. This will help us to establish better relationships and to be more valued in our environment.

3. Assertively

It is about knowing how to give our opinion or say no to something we do not want to do without creating a conflict or being rude. Assertiveness is one of the social skills that will give us more inner peace, because it eliminates the anxiety that says no to us and, at the same time, softens our relationships with others.

4. Trading Capacity

Learning to negotiate is a tool that will make life much easier for us in the labor market. Whether for work hours, salary, obligations attached to the position, etc., knowing how to negotiate and defend your interests is vital.

5. Credibility Skill Set for Jobs

Letting your boss and your colleagues know that you are a person who can be trusted is an immense job guarantee. But, of course, to have credibility with others you must not only appear but be, really, honest. For that, we must, in addition to how obvious it is not to lie, be consistent, and support our words with our actions.

According to ghostwriters for hire company, it’s not really that difficult if we focus on looking less and being more ethical. In the end, an entrepreneur would rather have someone honest and credible by his side than a person who tells everyone what he wants to hear. Remember that these things fall under their own weight very quickly because people talk.

6. Respect

In addition to the basic respect for hierarchical superiors and the minimum education required, true respect implies much more profound things; for example, that we are able to value and respect the opinions of our colleagues and bosses even though they may have less experience or qualifications.

Appreciate the opinions and ideas of others and realize that we will not always be right and that several thinking heads are better than just one.

7. Compassion

Among the most basic social skills, compassion is one of the most important and one that we forget to apply the most. It turns out that we all make mistakes, that people go through difficult situations, that we do not all have the same tools and skills. Having compassion, knowing how to forgive, wanting to help… all of this is vital to establishing good working relationships.

8. Positive Thinking

Positive people succeed more, enjoy more and are happier. There are people who are like this naturally, but if it is not your case, do not despair, becoming a more positive person is possible by acquiring some simple habits and restructuring our thinking a bit.

9. Courtesy Skill Set for Jobs

Never forget to say thank you, to ask for things please, to be grateful, to do favors (as long as they do not involve great personal costs), to smile, to say hello and say goodbye, to ask how others are, to look them in the eye. A person who is courteous and polite to others is a loved person.

10. Emotional Intelligence

It is the ability we have to understand, analyze and manage our own emotions. Understanding why and in what circumstances we feel in such a way and how we react with others or with ourselves when we feel this way will make us know how to guide our behavior and avoid conflicts and dislikes, but also that we know how to promote those activities that make us feel good and be happier.